Correlation is not Correlation
To the usual phrase of correlation is not causation, Nassim Taleb often answers: correlation is not correlation. First, just like the mean and PCA, the sample correlation coefficient has persistent small sample effects when variables from Extremistan are involved. These topics are…
Fisher Tippet Th: a “CLT” for the sample maxima
For fat-tailed random variables, the statistical properties are determined by a few observations in the tail. In Nassim Taleb’s words, “the tail wags the dog”. Therefore, it is vital to study the distribution of these few observations. A logical question to ask, then, is: is there a limiting…
When are GARCH (and friends) models warranted?
In this blogpost, I’ll answer the question, following Nassim Taleb’s latest technical book: Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails, when can we use GARCH (and firends) models? As an example, also following Taleb, I’ll check the resulting conditions with the…
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